Medical devices in clinical workflows

The standard workflow

The hospital information system (HIS) is the starting point for any IT-assisted treatment. The HIS stores the master data of all patients, is the basis for case billing, and establishes performance requirements for imaging and diagnostic systems.

Many specialist hospital departments have specialized systems for controlling the provision of services and planning the specific treatment process. They create task lists for the systems used with patients.

The devices query the task list assigned to them. The resulting data can then be assigned to the patient and the order from the HIS, and can be called up from the central file in the HIS after the documentation has been transmitted. In this process, more comprehensive data is stored in a PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System).

Thanks to our extensive project expertise built up over many years, we can provide targeted support for integrating medical devices into the clinical workflow. As an ISO 13485- and ISO 9001-certified manufacturer, we have experience in a wide range of medical fields, device types, and communication standards.

This, combined with our experience in handling safety-critical medical applications up to Safety Class C (IEC 62304), makes us a strong, reliable partner for development and advice services.

We offer development and advice

Our products – to the point




Our services – to the point

Advice and consulting

Development of custom interfaces

Interface validation

IHE scheduled workflow with DICOM and HL7®


Download detailed information on interoperability for medical devices: “Interoperability in Medical Technology Integration into Clinical Workflows”

What we have achieved for our customers

Niko Assmann

Sales Consultant

Contact us:

Please feel free to reach out to my team and me if you have any questions. We would be happy to give you an initial overview of how you can achieve your individual goals with our efficient solutions.

*HL7® is the registered trademark of Health Level Seven International. Use of this trademark does not constitute an endorsement from HL7.