connyV – Perfect Interoperability with only one single interface – Let’s connect, virtually and seamlessly.

Interfaces conforming to HL7®, DICOM, FHIR, and others are under the hood of connyV – a virtual machine that enables your device to communicate with the HIS via the device network.

With connyV, multiple devices can share their data centrally with systems in the hospital without having to integrate a complex standard interface into your device software.

This is particularly valuable for manufacturers who have several systems (even of different types) in use at the hospital or who want to avoid the re-registration according to the MDR of their device.
A single interface that integrates into ANY IT!
ConnyV makes it work!

Let’s connect, virtually and seamlessly
Technical Requirements
With connyV, we can integrate any medical device that is principally capable of transmitting the patient’s data to the outside world. Another condition is the identification of the patient. This can be done in multiple ways and depends on the type of device as well as the process of treating the patient.
Arrange a consultation with our experts to elaborate your solution.
APELEM uses DICOMconnect to connect with HIS/RIS and PACS systems all over the globe
Custom software development for the teamplay digital health platform
Integration of a DICOMconnect interface for the integration of medical image data into the clinical workfolw
Contact us:
Please feel free to reach out to my team and me if you have any questions. We would be happy to give you an initial overview of how you can achieve your individual goals with our efficient solutions.
*HL7® is the registered trademark of Health Level Seven International. Use of this trademark does not constitute an endorsement from HL7.